Category Archives: Uncategorized

Can exercise really help with depression and anxiety?

Currently, depression and anxiety are the most common mental health problems (Carek, Laibstain, & Carek, 2011) with between 12%-32% of people in developed countries suffering symptoms (Haller, Cramer, Lauche, Gass, & Dobos, 2014). Women are nearly twice as likely as men to develop depressive and anxious disorders in their lifetime. There are many treatments available...
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How’s the New Year’s Resolution going?

If, like lots of others, your best intentions have gone awry, here's a very easy, very quick workout to get back into it, or into it for the first time.  You can do it anywhere, and don't need any equipment.  Please message David if you would like any help with any of the exercises.  Enjoy!...
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