First question to ask your Trainer – “are you a registered exercise professional?”

If the answer is no…don’t fear! David has been a registered training professional for years!  So what is a registered training professional?  You can read more about the scheme below:

Exercise Professional Registration Scheme – Recognising the qualifications, expertise and experience of Fitness Instructors and Personal Trainers

The Fitness Australia Register of Exercise Professionals is a register which recognises the qualifications, expertise and experience of fitness instructors and personal trainers in Australia.

The national Register provides assurance and confidence to consumers, employers and health professionals that all registered exercise professionals are qualified and have the knowledge, skills and competence to perform specific roles. AusREPs are acknowledged for their professionalism, adherence to industry standards and commitment to ongoing professional development.

The Fitness Australia Register of Exercise Professionals signifies that an exercise professional has met the national industry standards, and complies with the Fitness Australia Code of Ethics and Conduct. Registering as an exercise professional is more than just a badge to enhance an individual’s professional image.

Being on the national Register of Exercise Professionals means a trainer or instructor;

  • has completed a nationally recognised fitness qualification
  • holds a current Senior First Aid and CPR certification
  • is recognised as a ‘Licence to Practice’ as a professional
  • is committed to ongoing professional development and
  • is eligible for professional insurance cover.

Exercise Professionals are registered at levels according to qualification and experience; in categories aligned with completed qualifications and current vocational roles. AusREPs provide a variety of exercise services for a range of clientele across many varied settings. Competency to practice is represented through registration category, and a delivery knowledge and skill profile that is built through ongoing education aligned with the Scope of Practice for AusREPs.

Professional commitment to building knowledge and skills

Fitness Australia’s Continuing Education Scheme awards Continuing Education Credits (CECs) to approved professional education programs across a variety of delivery knowledge and skill areas. AusREPs must obtain a minimum of twenty (20) CECs over a two year term to maintain their professional registration.

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