Monthly Archives: March 2018

Michael Gross says Understanding kids behaviour is easy!!

Parents always ask me, “Why does my child behave the way he does? Why does he nag/she swear in front of me/they fight all the time?”  In most cases this is the wrong question. It’s better to ask, “What’s the purpose of my child’s behaviour?” Kids rarely behave in a vacuum. There’s usually a good reason –... Read more

Ever wonder what David does in his spare time? Well, here it is!

As most of you know, apart from working full time, and this wonderful business we have here, David also is in his last year of his Sports and Exercise Science degree.  Here is an essay on the effects of exergaming on self efficacy.  Very interesting!  Enjoy! Effects of Exergaming on Self-Efficacy and Physical Activity in Children Introduction Physical...
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